Update Query
modify/change records of table This page uses the following methods:
await presql.updateOne(<update>)
await presql.updateMany(<update>)
await presql.replaceOne(<update>)
-Comming Soonawait presql.table('').updateOne(<update>)
-Comming Soon
Update Single Record
Create a file at index.js
import presql from './connection';
async function UpdateSingleData() {
const data = await presql.updateOne({
table: "users", // required parameter
data: {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
}, //data is required parameter only single object
},// where field is optional, to update special row please pass this field
// if table and column uses any special character, please pass name in cammelCase e.g first_name to firstName
console.log(data); // if showResults is true, it will print results
Update Multiple Records
Create a file at index.js
import presql from './connection';
async function UpdateMultipleData() {
const data = await presql.updateOne({
table: "users", // required parameter
data: [
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
firstName: "David",
lastName: "Olis",
firstName: "Rachna",
lastName: "Singh",
] , //data is required parameter only array of objects
},// where field is optional, to update special row please pass this field
// if table and column uses any special character, please pass name in cammelCase e.g first_name to firstName
console.log(data); // if showResults is true, it will print results