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Version: 1.2.4


What You Get

All Methods

  • create() , createMany()
  • updateOne() , updateMany()
  • destroy() , destroyAll()
  • findById(),findOne(),findFirst(),findMany()
  • exist()
  • table()
  • queryBuilder()

Logical (Math) Operations

  • Math()

Table Join / Relationship

  • join()

Database Management

  • playWithSchema() handle database (create backup/upload .sql file)
  • In,Between,Alias,Distinct,OrderByGroup -- Adding in Future Versions

Keep in mind this is not alpha version of package and currently under development containing bugs. To use alpha version please Visit New

Introducing New

Chaining Functions New

  • table(), select(), where(), sort(), join(), limit(), first()

Custom Functions New

  • all(),
  • replaceOne()
  • updateMany(),
  • updateOne(),
  • remove(),
  • destroy(),
  • destroyAll(),
  • findMany() ,
  • findById(),
  • findOne(),
  • findFirst(),
  • findByIdAndUpdte(),
  • findByIdAndDelete()

Math Functions Cooming Soon

  • math()

Table RelationShip Functions Cooming Soon

  • hasOne()
  • hasMany(),
  • updateOne(),
  • OneToOne(),
  • ManyToOne(),
  • ManyToMany(),